When placing an order through our site please use the size guide on each product page. It has specific measurements for each top. The size guide is located at the bottom of each page, next to the tab titled description. If for whatever reason you need any help with determining which size to order, please get in touch with us either by using the contact us page or email us directly at info@footkit.net.

Customer Support
Here at Footkit we pride ourselves in providing excellent customer service. Please get in touch with us so that we may be assist you with any issues or queries you may have. We will always try our best to get back to you within 48 hours of receiving an email. But please be advised during busier periods this could be extended as we're a small business.

When purchasing from us please be advised it usually takes 3/5 working days to prepare your item for shipping. However when you have requested customisation this wait time can be extended as we have to manually apply the font to each customised item before sending it out. Depending on your location, the wait time for delivery will be shown when you checkout.